Who we are

María del Mar Fahler (Mini)

»I am a Conference Interpreter graduated from the Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

» I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and some German and if I could I would learn a lot more.

»I have worked with interpretations and translations of various industries: architecture, agriculture, automotive, forestry, iron and steel, oil, advertising, embassies, medical and scientific fields, banks, public entities, universities, fashion, design and beauty, television, sports, public figures and more.

» I am passionate, enthusiastic and I am completely committed to what I do as a means of building bridges and helping communication to be the cornerstone so that I can be useful to society and contribute from wherever I am.

» I coordinate, organize, prioritize, I really enjoy teamwork and the synergy that occurs.

Valeria Kent (Vale)

»I am a Certified English Translator, graduated from UADE in 1998. »I collaborated with the Supreme Court of Justice and the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress. »I worked in the mining industry, law firms, the environmental sector, ecology, the agricultural, automotive, forestry, steel, oil, advertising, embassies, medical and scientific fields, banks, public entities, universities , fashion, design and beauty, television, and other leading industries. »In the communications area, I translated news in real time. »I coordinated the translation and interpretation in different events, conferences and seminars. »I like to grow, learn, interact with others and have a positive and passionate view of life.

Our philosophy

At Outside the Box we understand that working «outside the box» allows us to leave the conventional to be innovative and creative, it gives us the possibility of adding value to the demands of our clients, giving them that plus that makes our service unique and different .
Therefore, at OTB we seek to break with the paradigms and encourage ourselves to more. We seek to leave the structures to accompany our clients during the development of their projects, helping them to communicate without borders.

Our tools are simple and effective: moving together towards the same goal, working with joy and professionalism and becoming partners with our clients.

We are OTB, we are your translation partners.


We believe in language as a communication tool but above all, as a connection tool between people.

We believe that used with creativity and humor, language strengthens human relationships as a whole.
We believe that humor optimizes communication, enhances learning, and creates a more humane environment to work.

We believe that the union between work and fun generates a unique work environment, a very powerful creative-productive energy.

We believe in working «together» with our clients, not «for» them.

We believe in deep commitment to our work. From the beginning to the end.

We believe in responsibility, fun, joy and professionalism.

In all this we believe and that is how we work.


Our creed

Contact Us


Buenos Aires - Argentina
Salta Argentina


(+54) 11 9 2174 6578

(+54) 11 9 5919 7909

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